The teachings of Grand Master Odo are brought to you
by Kriegisch Martial Arts

Shiho Bugei Kai Patch - Circle Shiho Bugei Kai Patch - Crossed Fists

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Kriegisch Martial Arts – Shiho Bugei Kai - the Teachings of Grand Master Odo

SBK Membership

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An SBK membership allows the student access to all training material pertinent to  his/her present rank. A renewal fee of $25.00 will be assessed each year on the student’s anniversary date. Each active member will be allowed access to additional training material as they progress in rank. Each member will be provided with a username and password enabling them to gain access to the Member Section of the website.

 Students who wish to progress beyond the rank of Black Belt must contact Hanshi Kriegisch  with their request. Upon approval, the student must submit additional test fees as set forth in the SBK Manual, a resume, a DVD/video of the material they are to tested on and a copy of the last certificate(s) earned.



$35.00 (one time) + $25.00 / year
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